Luxury fashion brand Gucci has announced Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt as its new global brand ambassador. Bhatt will represent Gucci in India and on a global stage, and her first appearance as ambassador will be at Gucci’s Cruise 2024 runway show in Seoul. Known for her sustainable fashion brand and philanthropic efforts, Bhatt’s alignment with Gucci’s values played a role in the partnership. She joins the ranks of other Gucci brand ambassadors, including Harry Styles and Dakota Johnson.
Gucci, the renowned luxury fashion brand, has chosen Indian actress Alia Bhatt as its new global brand ambassador. Bhatt, a prominent figure in Bollywood, expressed her honor and excitement to represent Gucci not only in India but also on a global scale.
Alia Bhatt made the announcement of the partnership on Instagram and shared her first photoshoot as a global ambassador for Gucci. The photos featured her dressed in tailored separates, exuding a sleek and sophisticated look. Bhatt will join other esteemed brand ambassadors, including Harry Styles, Dakota Johnson, and Hanni from the Kpop group New Jeans, at Gucci’s Cruise 2024 runway show held at Seoul’s Gyeongbokgung Palace.
In addition to her acting career and brand endorsements, Bhatt is the founder of Ed-a-Mamma, a sustainable children’s wear and womenswear label. The focus on sustainable production and creating caring communities aligns with Gucci’s values, making Bhatt an ideal choice for the brand.
Bhatt’s recent attendance at the MET Gala in a custom Prabal Gurung gown further solidifies her presence in the fashion world. As Gucci’s global brand ambassador, Bhatt will collaborate with the brand on various sartorial milestones, drawing inspiration from Gucci’s rich legacy.
The partnership between Gucci and Alia Bhatt signifies the brand’s commitment to embracing diverse talents and expanding its presence in the Indian market. With Bhatt’s influence and global appeal, the collaboration is set to create exciting opportunities for both Gucci and the actress in the fashion industry.